Patriata Chair Lift Travel Guide

 “Beauty is truth, truth beauty – that is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.” (John Keats)

The longest Patriata chairlift -- the centre of attraction for tourists

In a Glimpse:

The Patriata chairlift is one of the most popular tourist attractions in the hilly area of beautiful Pakistan. However, it is situated at 7,500 feet above sea level, the highest peak in the area. As a result, getting there can be difficult. Although it is always possible to drive from New Murree to Patriata, Moreover, a ride on the Patriata chairlift is a far better option, with stunning vistas along the way.


Patriata was once Murree’s backward and most deserted town, but many locals gained jobs and other sources of income due to the chairlift.
The Punjab government built the lift and cable car system in 1990 with technical assistance from an Austrian firm.

How to get there:

Patriata is west of the Jhelum River, around 20 kilometers south of Murree and 59 kilometers south of Islamabad.
From Islamabad/ Rawalpindi, there are two routes to Patriata: one is the well-constructed Expressway, second is the old Murree Road, Lower Topa, and Jheeka Gali.

How long is the ride?

From New Murree to Patriata, you can take a chair lift and cable car. The ride is around 7 kilometers long in total. When the chairlift reaches between the hills, New Murree is at ground level that looks amazing.
First of all, you must purchase a ticket first to get on to the chairlift. After that, the cable car will take you to Patriata Hill from there.

Astonishing vistas of Galyat region from the cable car


The hill station is a popular tourist attraction because the climate is mild here than further south. The snow-capped hills are a sight to behold in winters, but the summer weather brings back the foliage and makes the place even lovelier.

Flora and Fauna:

As soon as you reach the highest point from the cable car or chair lift, the surrounded area on the ground is densely forested, where several monkeys and leopards can be found.
The Cable Car & Chair Lift ride is an unforgettable and lovely experience. There are many beautiful views and spell-binding far hill vistas.
So, Patriata is one of the most beautiful and alluring locations and the best place to visit.

“The world is too much with us; late and soon,
Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers:
Little we see in Nature that is ours.”
(William Wordsworth)

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